Bruce and Carol Dirom opened the doors to their first fish processing facility in June 1994.
For the first few years Bruce and Carol had a work force of only one additional employee, other than themselves. An avid sports fisherman, Bruce was anxious to find a way to incoroporate his love for fishing into his full time job. What initially began as a hobby, something to do on his days off from his full time job with the local utilities company has grown into one of the larger employers in Port Hardy.
First opened in 1994, Hardy Buoys Smoked Fish Inc. quickly outgrew it’s first 3000 square foot location and in 1999 Hardy Buoys Smoked Fish Inc. moved to a newly renovated 7500 square foot facility. Vowing to never move or expand again, demand for the quality smoked salmon products and custom processing services that could be offered to visiting tourists and sports fishers dictated that Bruce and Carol would again have to begin making preparations to expand their processing capacity.
In January 2008 plans began to take on Pacific Seafoods International Ltd., a well established fish processing facility located approx. 6 hours drive from Port Hardy. Pacific Seafoods was scheduled to cease processing at it’s location on May 15, 2008 and Hardy Buoys Smoked Fish Inc. was well poised to take on their accounts and clientele. With security in the building Hardy Buoys
was operating out of, expansion and renovation plans were full steam ahead to take on more of the 50,000 square feet available to them.
Hardy Buoys Smoked Fish Inc. 2012 is now operating out of 27,000 square feet, employs 50 people full time year round, that has an increase to 70 people in peak summer months, has a full line of both hot and cold smoked salmon products, wholesales domestically and internationally for both private label contracts and their own, is a leader in automation, efficiency, and maintains the high standards imposed on food manufacturing facility that is Federally Registered, QMP, and HAACP compliant.
Mission Statement
Hardy Buoys is committed to providing you with superior service, at the same time ensuring the best quality product and care for your fish. Our service isn’t expensive; it’s priceless. We have built our business one satisfied customer at a time. Hardy Buoys will continue to strive to maintain the level of service that our customers have come to know and expect.